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Galit Allouche is pulling the threads. From one point to another, she comes andgoes.

Sometimes we hear the rattling of the glue gun.

Under the effect of the heat,the filament lies in lacey patterns on clay molds.


On the day in question, on the corner of a table which she uses as a workshop,Galit Allouche is working on the creation of hands.

Nine have already been madethis morning. Assembled by the dozen, these hands made of lace glue, formstrange bushes, translucent corals.


The most striking work - also the largest and most detailed - is composed of Madame or Mademoiselle?

and of its complementary portrait Mademoiselle or Madame?

It is a large reef of outstretched hands. A tight bouquet of hands withcolored veins, surrounded by a circle of hands, white as a wedding dress.


So, is it Madame or Mademoiselle?

Galit can’t see why there should be two words to address a woman.

So she composed her response by separating the two very complementary sculptures which would normally only be one.The artist insists on expressing her views.

Almost all her works are titled. The titlereveals the hidden meaning, the strong opinion or the secret emotion that led totheir creation.


We learn with Neuf Moi Seulement that “vomiting” can be very similar to “happiness”.

We can contemplate sexual appetite mixed with love in To Serve You.

One wondershow the strip tease in Love Me Love Me Not will end....


In her previous series of clouds, Galit Allouche was speaking to our emotions.

Aerial shapes floating on a wall, chubby, light and gentle.

Nothing more poetic!

The latest creations raise questions; and the titles lead you to reflect and react.Between these two poles, the artist comes and goes.

She weaves the threads between her imagination and her reality.


The result is her works that have found the balance between emotional andcerebral.



Laurence Revais,February 2014

SOLO SHOWS​​​​​​​​​
2024                Marcel Boudou Museum / B Galery - Sainte Eulalie D'olt

2018:               Memory month, Town hall of the 19 - Paris.

                        Windows KW Longchamps, Boulogne-Billancourt.

2017:               Municipal gallery : Gordon Londres's house – Rishon Lezion, Israël.

2010:              "lagalerie Actuelart"- Paris.

2006:              "Vert Galant Gallery"  - Quai des Orfèvres, Paris  -  Luminous Abstractions.
2004:              "Tel Aviv office" - wax sculptures and oil paintings.

2023:               Humanhe Art - TLV
                        Artotheque Montpellier, Chateau de montferrier-Sur-Lez
2019:               En dehors des sentiers Battus#7, « Grandeur Nature » - Parc d’agrément                                        du CHAMPS -Le Bœuf – LAXOU
2018:               Second Square Summertime - Le Carreau du Temple - Paris.
2017:               Puls'Art  – Le Mans, France.
2016:               La biennale d'art contemporain Cachan.
                         Jeux de Formes, Gallery Pop - Up- Paris

                         Histoires de Femmes-Fontevraud L'Abbaye, Pays De La Loire, France.

2014 :              Claude Kelman Gallery - Paris.

                        13 a vue - " teste me" Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital garden - Paris.

2013 :              "Gallery de AAB" - Paris .

                        "In Motion", the French Institute in Vienna, Clam-Gallas.

2012 :             "Claire Corcia Gallery" - Paris .

2011:               "Art en balad" - Paris.
2010;               "VBK Gallery" - Berlin.

2009:               "Prise of Design", Mann auditorium, tel aviv, israel.
                          "Galerie le pramides", Saint Germain en Lay, france.
                          Ashdod  Museum -  Israel.

                          "Espace kiron" Paris.

                          Bastille design center Paris.
2008:                Gallery Claude Kelman - Paris.
                          FINE gallery, Busan, Corea.
                          Art En Capital: Exhibition in the GRAND PALAIS, Paris.
2007:               "Adada Gallery"  ST Denis -"EXcroissance 4”.
                        "Arpac", Deauville – “Honey Trap”, wax installation.
                        "Salon d'art", Bourbon-Lancy (Bourgogne) – Oil and wax paintings.
                          Lagalerie - le genie de la bastille  paris.
                         Polylogue at Carré de Baudouin - "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité"  - paris.
2006:               "Les arts en fétes", La Clayette (Bourgogne).
                         Adada Gallery - Basilic St. Denis - “EXcroissance 3”.
                         Adada Gallery - Basilic St. Denis - “Bread and amusement”.
2005:                Espace Saint-Martin, Paris 10th - Luminous Abstractions.
2004:                "Soho" - international exhibition in Desingoff center”, Tel aviv- “8 +”.
2003:                "Soho" - international exhibition in Desingoff center”, Tel aviv”.

2007:                 Collection Bar-David Museum.

2006:                 Bronze Medal awarded by the International Academy of Lutece.

2005:                 First prize for sculpture awarded by the Oulmont Foundation, Fondation de  France.

2024 : La Chapelle Sainte Catherine- Fontevraud-L’Abbaye PAYS DE LA LOIRE

2023 :LA MAISON D 'EMMA- les VENDÉMIAIRES Saint Mathieu de Tréviers

2007: "Bar-David Museum" - Honey Trap - Israel.

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